Transfer Campus Connections

Transfer Campus Connectionsis a service offered every quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring) to all matriculated UCLA Transfer Students in the Transfer Student Center (Kerckhoff 128). Different UCLA departments will conduct drop-in times throughout the quarter, including but not limited to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), College Academic Counselings, Career Center services, Honors and AAP academic counseling. To use one of these services, simply show up at their designated hours and ask the front desk staff to direct you to the department representative. The schedule is subject to change each quarter, so for the latest hours, please reference the pinned post on our Instagram.

Winter 2024 Schedule


  • Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) - Every Tuesday from 1pm–3pm until week 10

  • Academic Counseling

    • AAP: February 13th from 10am–12pm

    • CAC: February 20th from 10am–12pm


  • Career Counselors - Weeks 6 & 8 from 1pm–3pm

  • AAP PLF Sessions - Every Wednesday from 12pm–1pm until week 10


  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) - Every Thursday from 1pm–3pm until week 10
  • Academic Counseling

    CAC: February 15th from 10am-12pm

    Honors: February 22nd from 10am-12pm

  • AAP PLF Sessions - Every Wednesday from 9am-10am until week 10