Financial Questions
How does Financial Aid work?
- Every student has a different type of financial package and need on campus. To find out the information that pertains specifically to you it is best to talk to the experts in the Financial Aid Office which is located at A-129J Murphy Hall.
- Be sure to fill out the FAFSA every year in order to be considered for financial aid. Everyone should apply even if you do not think you qualify.
- The FAFSA application comes out Jan 1 st of ever year and is due by March 2 nd .
- For more financial aid information .
How do I find out about/apply for scholarships?
- Visit the Scholarship Resource Center’s (SRC) website and go in and meet the incredibly helpful staff inside Covel Commons
- SRC offers drop-in scholarship counseling, proofreading of essays, workshops, access to scholarships not available online, and more.
- Incoming transfers should go to the Incoming Transfer Students link.
- Once you are enrolled at UCLA, you're considered a "continuing student." Therefore your junior year you will apply for "senior-year scholarships."
- Be sure to schedule scholarship due dates in to your planner or create a database of the scholarships you intend to apply for, they can sneak up on you and are easy to miss. In fact it is smart to approach scholarship applications like a part-time job, the more you apply for the more opportunity you have to win money!
- There are scholarships applications year round, however spring and fall tend to be times that many are due.
- Here are some current scholarships
- Continuing Students
- Incoming Students
How do I find a work study position?
Eligible for work study and not sure where to get started? Find answers to your work study questions here.
Is there financial aid for summer sessions?
- Yes, you can take summer school classes. However, there are policies that dictate whether units will transfer to UCLA or not. This depends on whether you plan to attend a community college or another university for your summer sessions. Check these policies on the College of Academic Counseling website.
- To be absolutely sure, check with your specific department counselor to address your particular situation.
- Departmental counselors can determine if classes from a community college or university will satisfy specific major requirements. is also a great at-home resource.
- There is financial aid available for summer, but you need to apply. In addition to completing the FAFSA , you must also complete the online Summer Financial Aid Application , available beginning April 1. The priority deadline for submitting the summer application is April 30.
- In order to be eligible for summer aid, students need to enroll in a minimum of 6 units (half-time status). A minimum of 8 units is required to qualify for summer University Grant
- Aid will be subject to cancellation if you drop below half-time status. Some programs (Federal Pell Grant and Summer University Grant) require enrollment in 12 units to receive full eligibility.
- The Financial Aid Office will review all units at the end of the third week of each UCLA summer session (the census date) in order to determine your eligibility for summer aid. If you are not enrolled in the number of units on which their award was based on will be billed. Adding units after the census date will not reinstate your eligibility.
- Be sure to browse the Financial Aid Office website website as well.
How many units do I need to take during summer session to be eligible for financial aid?
In order to be eligible for summer aid, students need to enroll in a minimum of 6 units (half-time status). A minimum of 8 units is required to qualify for summer University Grant.
Aid will be subject to cancellation if you drop below half-time status. Some programs (Federal Pell Grant and Summer University Grant) require enrollment in 12 units to receive full eligibility.
The Financial Aid Office will review all units at the end of the third week of each UCLA summer session (the census date) in order to determine your eligibility for summer aid. If you are not enrolled in the number of units on which their award was based on you will be billed. Adding units after the census date will not reinstate your eligibility. For more information click here.